Major Mergers Like AT&T Deal are Going to Impact Telecom Spend. Here’s What Businesses Can Do to Keep Costs Down.

No business can run without telecommunication services. That’s why it’s important to pay close attention when key industry players make significant moves certain to affect your organization’s operational telecom spend. A federal judge recently approved AT&T’s $85 billion acquisition of Time Warner, a decision that will bring a ripple effect of change impacting the future […]
Silverback Answers: Why Don’t Companies Change Wireless Vendors to Save Money?

Recently, we were asked about how companies reduce their ongoing mobility expenses. More specifically: Can companies save money by switching wireless vendors? This person had recently seen one of those wireless ads, with a vendor claiming its services to be so much less expensive than the competition. Understandably, the question of whether companies ever consider […]
Uncover Big Savings With a Closer Look at Telecommunications Expenses

When you receive a bill from your telecommunications provider, do you know what you’re paying for? How do you determine if you’re being charged correctly? We recently took a closer look at telecommunications expenses for a client, and the billing errors we found were significant. We discovered that this business was paying for services at […]