
All this Rain in the Midwest, Preparing for the Effects Downstream

I recently heard a comedian talk about being stuck on a flight from Chicago to Fort Wayne and being bored to tears over all the passengers talking about all the rain the Midwest is getting and how behind schedule farmers are due to the rain. No matter how boring it is, the issue is very […]

How to Protect Your Business from the Oncoming Recession (Part 2)

In part 1 of this series, we discussed the warning signs that have experts expecting a recession by 2020. Rather than waiting until disaster strikes, it’s best to get out ahead of the oncoming downturn. Here’s how you can recession-proof your company before it’s too late. Review Operational Practices Get proactive about monitoring non-payroll expenditures. […]

What an Oncoming Recession Means for Your Business (Part 1)

Economic downturns are inevitable. The second the storm clouds roll in, most businesses start cutting expenses. While this is an understandable response, reactionary cost cutting initiatives can often be aggressive and leave organizations in even more financial trouble. That’s because reactive cost reduction is rarely strategic. During hard times, business leaders aren’t going to spend […]

Ready To Get Your Silver Back?

Want to put some silver back in your pocket? Sometimes it pays to put a fresh set of eyes on your operating expenses.

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