I recently heard a comedian talk about being stuck on a flight from Chicago to Fort Wayne and being bored to tears over all the passengers talking about all the rain the Midwest is getting and how behind schedule farmers are due to the rain. No matter how boring it is, the issue is very real as farmers have reported forgoing growing corn this year, but remain uncertain about planting soybeans, as the trade war with China continues, as reported on Morning Edition . It is boring because it all feels so far away from anyone outside the Midwest, but in this same report, farmers warned their economic stress will be felt throughout the economy over the next year or more, as fewer crops not only means fewer farmer investing in new equipment, but higher crop prices, which radiate into ethanol, animal by products and more.
But here is my point, some economic stress is coming and getting your house in order now could mean the difference between your business sailing through the difficult period or struggling to keep your head above water.
I want to help you be pro-active with cost-reduction and prevent re-active tendencies, like downsizing. At times, downsizing is just part of life, but there are times it can be avoided, especially if you are just looking to withstand a coming wave of fiscal uncertainty.
The first question to consider is “How do we continue providing the same product and service with minimal change?” – in other words, “Are we able to continue purchasing the same amount of product and service for less?”.
The second question is while you may be able to sift out savings on your own, are you confident you are getting the best savings possible?
So, I challenge you with this; invite Silverback in and let us take a look – this is our business and we have access to extensive benchmarking data to know where you are most likely to get the best cost-reduction and then find you the top offers from vendors. And until you start saving, there is no cost to using Silverback.
Why wouldn’t you buy a life vest when you know the waters are about to get bumpy?
Call: 317.580.8440
Email: info@getsilverback.com