
Uncover Big Savings With a Closer Look at Telecommunications Expenses

When you receive a bill from your telecommunications provider, do you know what you’re paying for? How do you determine if you’re being charged correctly? We recently took a closer look at telecommunications expenses for a client, and the billing errors we found were significant. We discovered that this business was paying for services at […]

DIY or Silverback? The Downside of “Doing It Yourself”

At Silverback, our goal is to help clients reduce costs, so they can use the savings to bolster their companies’ bottom lines. Not every company believes the cost/benefit analysis of hiring an expert works to their advantage. Many of these company leaders believe they can do this critically important work themselves. The Do-It-Yourself (DIY) impulse […]

Shipping Prices Set to Rise in 2017

A few months ago, we shared with you our tips for using dimensional weight shipping to cut your business’s mailing expenses. Recently, commercial mailing companies have made some big changes to how they price your packages. Here’s how these changes might affect your company and your shipping budget. Two of the biggest shipping companies in […]

How Silverback Can Help Your Nonprofit Organization

At Silverback, we are devoted to helping business find ways that they can cut their expenses and improve their profits. Another passion of ours is helping non-profits and giving back to our community. Recently, we had the opportunity to give back in a big way. This month, we presented the United Way of Elkhart County […]

Cost Management Industry Focus: Restaurant & Hospitality

Margins in the hospitality industry are tight; some of the tightest around. Because of this, it’s incredibly important for these types of businesses to closely monitor their expenses, and do all they can to cut costs. However, when you’re focused on the day-to-day task of running a restaurant or other hospitality business, it can be […]

New Overtime Law Overturned by Federal Judge

Business across the country have been busy adjusting for changes in overtime laws that were set to take affect this month. The salary level that makes an employee exempt from overtime pay was greatly increased. Under the new law, an employee must make at least $134,004 to be considered for the “highly compensated employee” exemption. […]

The Bottom Line: Preparing to Sell

Business owners decide to sell for any number of reasons. Some have extenuating circumstances, some are looking at retirement, and some simply decide they want to move on to something different. Whatever the reason, all these business owners have one thing in common: they want to be able to get as much as possible for […]

Dealing with Rising Recycling Costs

Environmentally conscious business owners can sometimes find themselves in a tough position. It can be hard to balance a concern for the earth with the need to keep costs low. This struggle shows up in many areas (including energy costs), but is particularly noticeable in recycling, where costs are on the rise. Many businesses would […]

Switching Banks Could Be Worth the Hassle

Business Update | Carrier Corporation

When the topic of switching banks comes up, many people’s minds jump to one word: hassle. The perceived work and inconvenience of switching accounts from one institution to another keeps many people and businesses from making the move. However, doing so can mean big savings for your business. Could your business benefit from switching banks? […]

Changes to Overtime Laws Coming This Year

2016 has been a big year for changes to employment law. In July, many states were affected by laws that raised the minimum wage, sometimes as high as $15 an hour. In December of this year, another law goes into effect nationwide that changes how overtime is paid to salaried workers. Effective December 1, 2016, […]

Ready To Get Your Silver Back?

Want to put some silver back in your pocket? Sometimes it pays to put a fresh set of eyes on your operating expenses.

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